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South Wales Lectures

Next Lecture Topic: TBA
Date: TBA
Time: 7:15 PM
Location: Margam Community Centre, Margam, Port Talbot

Enquiries: Mary Stewart (028 25 891851). A book table (including books, CDs, DVDs and free pamphlets) will be present; tea and coffee are also provided afterwards.

Previous Meetings Report

12 December, 2003 (Prof. Herman Hanko)

Previous Lectures Given in South Wales

(lectures are given by Rev. Stewart unless otherwise indicated; hyperlinked titles are available on-line in audio and/or video)

(1) The Sovereignty of God and the Signs of the Times (12 December, 2003) – Prof. Hanko

(2) The Glory of God (6 February, 2004)

(3) What Is True Faith? (26 March, 2004)

(4) The 4 Horsemen of Revelation 6 (30 April, 2004)

(5) The Last Days (4 June, 2004)

(6) Predestination: What the Bible Says (9 July, 2004)

(7) Does God Desire to Save the Reprobate? (6 August, 2004)

(8) A Critical Look at Welsh Revivals (24 September, 2004) – Prof. Hanko

(9) The True and the False Church (1 October, 2004) – Prof. Hanko

(10) Hyper-Calvinism (15 October, 2004) – Prof. Hanko

(11) Irresistible Grace (3 December, 2004)

(12) The 1,000 Years of Revelation 20 (21 January, 2005)

(13) The Lord’s Day (14 March, 2005)

(14) Total Depravity (22 April, 2005)

(15) Christ Will Build His Church (3 June, 2005)

(16) The Day of Small Things (15 July, 2005)

(17) God’s Doubted Love Demonstrated (16 September, 2005)

(18) The Apostolicity of the Church (4 November, 2005)

(19) The Blessed Virgin Mary (16 December, 2005)

(20) Miracles and the End of the World (3 March, 2006)

(21) The 7,000 Who Have Not Bowed the Knee to Baal (21 April, 2006)

(22) The 2 Witnesses of Revelation 11 (23 June, 2006)

(23) Covenant Baptism (15 September, 2006)

(24) God’s Unconditional Covenant (17 November, 2006)

(25) The Baptism with the Holy Spirit: Are the Pentecostals Right? (12 January, 2007)

(26) Homosexuality: What Does the Bible Teach? (2 March, 2007)

(27) A Plea for Creeds (20 April, 2007)

(28) The Psalms Versus Common Grace (8 June, 2007)

(29) The Perseverance of the Saints (14 September, 2007)

(30) The Reformation’s Emphasis on Piety (30 November, 2007) – Prof. Hanko

(31) Lessons from the Reformation for Today (1 February, 2008)

(32) God’s Magnifying His Word (28 March, 2008)

(33) The Antichrist (9 May, 2008)

(34) Prayer and the Sovereignty of God (4 July, 2008)

(35) Marriage, the Mystery of Christ and the Church (10 October, 2008)

(36) The Reformation’s Teaching on the Church (12 December, 2008)

(37) John Calvin’s Battle for the Reformation (I) – His Influence and Early Life (20 March, 2009)

(38) John Calvin’s Battle for the Reformation (II) – The Geneva Years (7 May, 2009)

(39) Calvin vs. Darwin: Anniversaries, Origins, and Worldviews (23 July, 2009)

(40) Calvin on Justification: Considering the Judgment Day with Singular Delight (15 October, 2009)

(41) Corporate Responsibility (26 November, 2009) – Prof. Hanko

(42) Preaching: The Voice of Christ (13 May, 2010)

(43) What About Israel? (2 July, 2010)

(44) Charismaticism (15 October, 2010)

(45) Scripture Alone (21 January, 2011)

(46) God Is Love (24 February, 2011) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(47) The Election of God’s Church (24 March, 2011)

(48) What Does It Mean to Be Born Again (28 April, 2011) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(49) For Whom Did Christ Die? (2 June, 2011)

(50) What Happened on the Cross (8 July, 2011) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(51) Friendship With God (1 September, 2011) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(52) The Unchangeable God (6 October, 2011)

(53) Freewill and Predestination (3 November, 2011) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(54) Christ Alone! (1 December, 2011)

(55) Peter, the Papacy and the Keys (23 February, 2012) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(56) God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Responsibility (12 April, 2012)

(57) Dead in Sin (17 May, 2012) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(58) The New Testament’s Teaching on the Last Days (19 July, 2012)

(59) The Perseverance of the Saints (13 September, 2012) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(60) Martin & Katie Luther: The Reformation of Marriage (25 October, 2012)

(61) Justification by Faith Alone (22 February, 2013) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(62) The Spirit of the Age and the Church (18 April, 2013)

(63) Love Your Enemies (23 May, 2013) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(64) Rest for the People of God (19 June, 2013)

(65) God’s Sovereignty in Our Afflictions (12 September, 2013) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(66) Original Sin (7 November, 2013)

(67) Eternal Life in Heaven (12 December, 2013) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(68) The Signs of Christ’s Coming (30 January, 2014) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(69) John Knox and Predestination (6 March, 2014)

(70) The Christian as Prophet, Priest and King (15 April, 2014) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(71) Free Will (6 May, 2014) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(72) The Perfections of Holy Scripture (7 May, 2014) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(73) Gottschalk: Medieval Confessor of God’s Absolute Sovereignty (6 November, 2014)

(74) The Wonder of the Incarnation (18 December, 2014) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(75) The New Life Within Us (19 March, 2015)

(76) Christian Comfort (23 April, 2015) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(77) What Is a Protestant? (11 June, 2015)

(78) The Holy Spirit (2 July, 2015) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(79) Jan Hus: His Martyrdom and Ecclesiology (8 October, 2015)

(80) Spiritual Gifts (19 November, 2015) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(81) Our Identity in Christ (28 January, 2016)

(82) The Love of the World (25 February, 2016) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(83) Who Is in the Image of God? (7 April, 2016)

(84) Christian Wisdom (12 May, 2016) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(85) Are Unbelievers in God’s Image? (30 September, 2016)

(86) John Owen and the Death of Christ (8 December, 2016)

(87) Christian Contentment (12 January, 2017) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(88) The New Calvinism and the Reformation Compared (2 March, 2017)

(89) Why the Trinity? (6 April, 2017) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(90) N. T. Wright, Justification and the Reformation (8 June, 2017)

(91) Christian Humility (6 July, 2017) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(92) Martin Luther and God’s Saving Righteousness (28 September, 2017)

(93) The Reformation’s Recovery of Right Worship (23 November, 2017) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(94) God’s Saving Will in the New Testament (25 January, 2018)

(95) The Covenant of God (2 February, 2018) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(96) Angels as Messengers of the Lord (12 April, 2018)

(97) The Development of God’s Covenant (1): Adam (24 May, 2018) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(98) The Development of God’s Covenant (2): Noah (28 June, 2018) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(99) Christ Our Sacrifice in Isaiah 53 (31 August, 2018)

(100) The Development of God’s Covenant (3): Abraham (27 September, 2018) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(101) Two Men From Trier: Karl Marx (and Communism) and Caspar Olevianus (and the Heidelberg Catechism)  (22 November, 2018)

(102) The Development of God’s Covenant (4): Abraham and Isaac (24 January, 2019) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(103) The Canons of Dordt: The Original Five Points of Calvinism (21 March, 2019)

(104) The Development of God’s Covenant (5): Jacob (I) (25 April, 2019) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(105) The Burnt Offering (6 June, 2019)

(106) The Development of God’s Covenant (6): Jacob (II) (25 July, 2019) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(107) The Peace Offering (5 September, 2019)

(108) The Development of God’s Covenant (7): Joseph and the Bondage in Egypt (10 October, 2019) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(109) William Tyndale: English Bible Translator (23 January, 2020)

(110) The Canon of Sacred Scripture (27 February, 2020) – Rev. Martyn McGeown

(111) The Irresistible Grace of God (9 June, 2022)

(112) The Two Ages in Eschatology (25 August, 2022)

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